Present is Peace

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

“The past is depression, the future is anxiety, and the only place to be is the present." Have you ever heard this expression? In today’s Kyetu Catalyst we’ll break it down to better understand what it means.

Do you ever find yourself trapped in the shadows of your past, haunted by the could-have-beens, or shackled by the chains of regret? Or perhaps, you're constantly peering into the hazy mists of the future, worrying about what's to come? It's a common human experience. But, the key to unlocking your true self lies in the present moment.

You see, our past can be a heavy burden. Regrets and missed opportunities can be like weights on our shoulders, making it hard to stand tall and move forward. But what if, just for a moment, you could let go of the past? What if you could release those burdens and breathe freely?

And as for the future, oh, how it can be a realm of anxiety! The unknown, the what-ifs, the uncertainties that keep us awake at night. But, what if, instead, you paused to consider that the future is a blank canvas waiting for your brush strokes? What if, it's a place of limitless potential, where your dreams can come true?

So, why does living in the present matter? It's where you find solace, clarity, and authenticity. It's a place of power and potential. It's the canvas upon which you paint your future.

Imagine this: In the present, you have the opportunity to define who you are, free from external influences and expectations. It's like looking in the mirror and seeing your true self, not the reflection of what others want you to be. So, how can you grasp this precious moment and make it truly yours?

First, take a deep breath. Inhale the now and exhale the past and future. It's a simple act, but it can ground you in the present like nothing else. Feel the air filling your lungs, and as you release it, let go of your worries.

Second, ask yourself this: What truly matters to you? What are your deepest values and aspirations? The present is where you can start aligning your life with these core beliefs. Remember, Kyetu's mission is to empower individuals to live in sync with their authentic selves.

But here's the kicker - it's not just about self-reflection; it's about action. Consider what practical steps you can take right now to nurture your growth and live authentically. Don't let this moment slip away.

And let's not forget, the journey of self-discovery is a winding road, not a straight path. It's okay to stumble and veer off course. In fact, those moments of "failure" are where the most profound lessons are often found. So, how can you embrace your imperfections and keep moving forward with hope and optimism?

So let’s rephrase the initial saying. Rather than saying, “The past is depression, the future is anxiety, and the only place to be is the present." Instead, let’s say, “The past is for reflection, the future is for hope, and the present is where you truly live.” It's the place to discover and nurture your authentic self. So, as you step out into the world today, ask yourself: Who are you, and are you embracing the now to shape your tomorrow?

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

Josie Collins

Detail-oriented, Josie is a seeker of authenticity. Through Kyetu, she invites readers to introspect, reclaim their true selves, and walk the path of "Present. Patient. Poised."


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