Always Made. Never Found.

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

Always made, never found. That's what we say here at Kyetu!

How many times have you heard someone say, 'I need some time to find myself'. Or 'I didn't find myself until I went to college'. Or 'I found myself when I became a mom'? We want to make a crucial distinction, and highlight a mantra that we live by at Kyetu. That is 'always made, never found.'

Because personal growth and development is an endless pursuit. It's not easy; it's work, and it's day in, day out.

Now, that doesn't mean that every day has to be perfect. And It doesn't mean that every day has to be the same. You have no idea what the outside world has in store for you. The only thing you can control is yourself.

What is the universe going to throw at you tomorrow, next week, or next year? You will be triggered. And you'll be asked to respond to events, and stimuli, that you may, or may not be able to anticipate.

This will bring up a whole bunch of automatic and chemical emotions. But the great news? You get to choose how you feel. You get to choose, HOW you process, and HOW you respond to these situations.

When we're looking at our lives and developing ourselves, on a quest to better ourselves every day, we are MAKING ourselves. We are DEFINING ourselves. So, today, we ask you to think about how you can go into your day, making yourself, defining what you want, who you are, and how to behave.

How can you express your full agency, in a proactive manner, and just not wait to find it? Because at Kyetu, we believe you're always made, and never found. While the 'never' might seem negative, it's only to remind you that this is a lifelong process.

At some points in your life, perhaps even right now, you might be in a comfortable space. But, it's only through continued growth that you will evolve yourself. That you'll develop yourself into your best, highest form, of your human expression.

It's only through continued exploration and discovery, that you will make yourself, build yourself, and allow yourself ownership of your day, ownership of your life. So, don't be a passive bystander. Don't wait for it to come to you. Drive your proverbial bus of life. Go out on offense and define what you want.

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

Jessica Anderson

With her pen, Jessica illuminates the road to self-definition. At Kyetu, she inspires readers to transcend societal boundaries and live aligned with their deepest values.


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