Love Not Indifference

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

Today's Kyetu Catalyst is about love. There's a quote from a song by The Lumineers that says, 'It's better to feel pain than nothing at all. The opposite of love's indifference.' Technically, the opposite of love is hate, but when you're hateful or angry, at least there's a feeling that can be processed. We can use that hate or anger, that pain, as fuel to better ourselves, to right a wrong, to become stronger, to push harder.

On the other hand, apathy or indifference is the opposite of love. When you are apathetic or "just don't care", you're essentially saying, 'Whatever! My feelings don't matter, my opinions don't matter.' This has many layers of issues.

Firstly, it's not practicing self-love and self-acceptance because it's not allowing you to feel emotions. It's nearly impossible to feel nothing unless in a medicated state, or having a medical condition preventing feeling. We're not speaking to those with such conditions; we're talking about choosing not to feel and removing your own agency and will to feel because you're afraid of pain.

We're inviting everyone to feel everything. It's scary, yes, but being alive and thriving means feeling and understanding different emotions. Learn to name what is being felt rather than repressing it, and even allowing it to manifest as pain. Feel it because in doing so, there's the opportunity to generate love. Every individual is a vessel of energy and can create love. But sometimes you have to go through pain to get there.

If you're wondering how to do that, you've come to the right place because we have tools to help process, identify, name, grow, feel, and honor yourself. We implore you to speak up, be authentic, and share what you feel gracefully. Understand that loving is possible even if there is pain. And then release the pain in the form of forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance.

When we say acceptance, we don't mean accepting trauma that has been pushed upon you. We mean looking in the mirror, accepting and loving yourself, as you are. And, allowing yourself to feel EVERYTHING. This unlocks potential and allows you to move forward. Give yourself permission to feel all your emotions patiently. Allow grace and time to be fully in the moment, whether with love, or frustration.

Be poised, be aware of your surroundings, and how your words and actions impact others. Healing and releasing anger isn't about going on a destructive path; it's about going on a constructive path, so you can unfold the best version of yourself. As we always do here at Kyetu, we invite everyone to ask themselves, 'Who do you think you are?'"

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

Mia Peterson

Rooted in self-reflection, Mia’s journey at Kyetu unfolds. Her words guide our subscribers to self-discovery, growing into their true selves and living life authentically.


Always Made. Never Found.


What is the Kyetu Catalyst?