Get Help

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

In case you need to hear this today...

Get help.

And I don't mean it in a "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares" kind of way. I don't mean it dismissively, like, "I can't deal with you; get help." No, I mean it genuinely. And not in a patronizing, callous way. I mean it in every aspect of your life. You need help, I need help, we all need help.

If you're starting an exercise routine, get help from a trainer. If you're sick, get help from a doctor. And if you're struggling with any kind of mental challenge, like stress, anxiety, or trauma,…get help! If you haven't had a break from your kids in a week, get help.

I’m not throwing this around loosely. When people tell me, “Just ask for help”, I laugh a little inside and can’t help but mutter, “Yeah, who's gonna do it?” I get it. I have three kids of my own, and asking for help is an everyday challenge for me too.

Asking for help means relinquishing control of the situation for a moment. And that is hard. Really, really hard.

But in the same way that forgiveness is powerful, and surrender is powerful, so too is receiving help. In doing so, you’re acknowledging that you're not alone. Because you're not; no matter how much it feels that way. There is always someone who, or something that can help you. There is always a way.

Sometimes getting help looks like helping yourself, and it means stepping away from a situation, even if it means having to go in your car and closing the door and breathing deeply for three minutes. Or maybe it’s screaming at the windshield, and releasing all the pent up anger!

Sometimes getting help means asking your neighbor to please watch your kids for 10 minutes so you can run to the store to get something that you need.

And sometimes getting help means getting professional help, whether in-person or online. Things have changed so much in the past few years. There are now amazing, wonderful online tools that are completely affordable and more self-driven, if you find that getting in-person professional help to be challenging. You can get the support you need independently, through an app or through virtual appointments.

This goes for mental health, physical training, nutrition, medical consults, or even life coaching!

With exercise routines for example, there are a plethora of options to consider, with very reasonably priced app subscriptions. Spry Life is a great example of this. You don't have to have a Peloton to get fit at home!

When it comes to mental health, there are fabulous options like BetterHelp, Talkspace or the Bloom CBT app, for very reasonable prices. We're not MDs. We're not trainers. We're not therapists. But we are wellness curators, and we've done the research. We know what it feels like to be at the bottom and we also know what it feels like to be so close to the top, but you just can't grasp it.

So whether you're dealing with a trench or a glass ceiling, we can relate. We don't want to pretend to be able to offer services that other more professionally trained providers can offer you. Instead, it makes more sense for you to work with them. But what you'll find, especially in the space of mental health, is you'll start unpacking your heart and your trauma with a therapist or a CBT-based app; and then you'll be left wanting more.

Because talk therapy, while invaluable, really serves its purpose at looking at the past, and unraveling mysteries as to why you are feeling certain things. Where we excel at Kyetu, is in the space of personal development and identity strategy, which is the path forward.

Once you've unpacked the hurts, struggles, and traumas of the past and you ask yourself, "What do I do with this now? How do I move forward? I don't want this anymore." ... that is where we can help. We can partner with you, to help you redefine yourself.

We are here to help you take that long look in the mirror, when you gaze for just that moment longer and you become uncomfortable. When you start to see the depths of your spirit, and you can say to your reflection, "This is my life. I want to live it on my terms. I only have one of these to live. How do I make it as great, incredible, and impactful as possible?"

That's where Kyetu comes in. We help you by offering you the tough questions, the daily micro-analysis of three to five minutes, with each Kyetu Catalyst, done in conjunction with journaling.

At this point, we invite you to take your journals and take a moment to ask yourself: How can you get help today? What are things that you know you need to get done today, tomorrow, and this week that you need help with? Is it finding a therapist? Is it finding a nutritionist? Is it identifying a doctor that you've been needing to see? Is it booking a babysitter so you can take a beat?

As we close, please remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it's a great sign of strength. It shows that you are self-aware. It helps you recognize that you are not alone in this world, and that we're all in this together. Each one of us has special skills to help grow, develop, and become stronger. And the more we lean on one another, the stronger we can all become.

Thanks for joining us on today's Kyetu Catalyst. Please share our podcast with family, friends, and in your social networks. You just might be someone else’s spark to ignite change!

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

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Hailey Smith

A storyteller of souls, Hailey finds her canvas at Kyetu. Her words are the brushes that paint the journey of self-definition, guiding readers to escape the cocoon of conformity and emerge as their authentic selves.


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