Giving and Gifting

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

When I was a child, I never received gifts. Well, let me rephrase that. I did receive gifts, but very sparingly. And they always came with some sort of stipulation or almost a burden associated with them. It's like, oh, you're getting this, but don't forget how much it's worth. Or, you're getting this, but remember, you're only getting it because you worked really hard to get it. And the sad thing is, we weren't poor. Not even close. We were raised in a very middle class, above average household income family. But somehow, probably by the time I was seven years old, I was highly aware that receiving a gift was not only a really big deal, but there wasn't complete joy in receiving it because it had strings attached to it. And it almost felt like giving and gifting was a negative thing.

And as a result, through my formative years, I never learned how to be generous, how to gift, because it had negative implications and associations with it.

Welcome to the Kyetu Catalyst! Today, let’s talk about gifting. How do we learn to be generous? How do we learn to fully engage in giving, a true, heartfelt gesture of love and care?

Start by taking a moment to reflect on your own past experiences with gifting. This is a great opportunity to grab your journal and write a few lines about this. Don’t overthink it. Just write the first thing that comes to your mind. In your formative years, what messages did you receive about giving and receiving? Understanding your own history with gifts can be a powerful first step in reshaping your relationship with generosity.

Scientific studies have shown that the act of giving without expecting anything in return can lead to increased happiness and satisfaction. Let go of any expectations tied to your gifts, and relish in the act of giving itself.

What are other ways you can learn to be more generous? How about cultivating a habit of gratitude! Studies in positive psychology have consistently linked gratitude with greater well-being and life satisfaction. When you appreciate the abundance in your life, it becomes easier to share that abundance with others. If you feel your cup is overflowing, you will be more likely to want to share your perceived excesses with those around you.

Also, put thought into the gifts you offer. Thoughtful gift-giving is more likely to strengthen relationships. It shows that you care and have considered the recipient's preferences.

It’s not something you’ll do in one day, but the key to becoming more generous and able to gift with no strings attached is shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance. And bonus? Research in psychology indicates that an abundance mindset can lead to greater happiness and success. When you believe in the abundance of love, care, and resources, you're more likely to share them freely.

Gifting is a way to express love, appreciation, and care. Learn to give freely, and you'll soon find joy in the act itself.

Thank you for joining us for today’s episode of the Kyetu Catalyst. Feeling generous? Please share our podcast with family, friends and in your social networks. Your small gesture, just might be, the spark to ignite their change!

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

Josie Collins

Detail-oriented, Josie is a seeker of authenticity. Through Kyetu, she invites readers to introspect, reclaim their true selves, and walk the path of "Present. Patient. Poised."


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