Kyetu Cornerstones

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

I remember a playground conversation not that long ago, where the introductory pleasantries went something like this:

"How are you doing?"

"I'm ok... I guess. I'm hanging in there. You?"

"Oh my gosh. Honestly? I'm barely surviving. I'm on my third cup of coffee this morning; I don't think I got more than four hours of sleep last night, and I think I only ate food that I picked off my kid's plate. And for the love of all things holy, you do not want to see my house! It looks like a tornado went through it."

Can you relate to some of this passage? All of it? If so, this Kyetu Catalyst is for you.

Today, we want to introduce our four foundational, physiological concepts for thriving. We call them the Kyetu Cornerstones, and they are designed to get you out of survival mode and pivoting to thriving.

They are nourishment, somatic wellbeing, regenerative rest, and cocooning.

Each physiological cornerstone has a diametrically opposed survival expression, and we are going to spend this episode teasing out the differences, so that you can build a solid base foundation upon which to build your growth.

We will explain how nourishment differs from survival sustenance. We'll define somatic wellbeing versus simply moving. Then, we'll take you through how to think about regenerative rest, as opposed to being stuck in survival slumber. And lastly, we'll encourage you to think of your home as a cocoon and haven, rather than just a refuge.

If you're like too many of us... you're spending a lot of time in survival mode, just "trying to get by" by sustaining yourself with ANY type of food or drink, rather than truly nourishing yourself. Survival sustenance is just getting the calories in, and not an optimal place to live. Nourishment for thriving, however, is a whole other approach. One where you are truly focused on the quality of what you put into your body.

And this means providing your body with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support growth, health, and vitality.

Wonderful things start to happen when you honor your body as the temple that it is. When you recognize that it houses your heart, mind and soul.

And when you flip the script from sustenance, which means just eating for survival, to nourishment, suddenly your body is operating on high octane and will reward you in ways you can't even begin to wrap your head around, until you feel it.

You will feel increased energy levels to begin with. Then mental clarity, enhanced immune function, better weight management, and just overall improved physical health! And it's a virtuous cycle. The better you feel, the more you will want of that feeling, which will only make you want to grow, develop and self-actualize even more!

Somatic wellbeing is a second Kyetu Cornerstone. It extends beyond just being happy to get ANY type of movement because you're chained to your desk, or stuck in your car, and at the end of the day, you just wanna plop on the couch.

Somatic wellbeing encompasses a holistic approach to health and vitality that prioritizes body-mind integration. It emphasizes practices that promote physical health, emotional regulation, body awareness, and overall vitality through intentional movement, mindfulness, and self-awareness.

The third Kyetu Cornerstone is one we call regenerative rest. Are you someone who's going for bare minimum recovery, and asking yourself, "Can I get by on 5-hours again tonight?". Or have you convinced yourself that you're different, and only need a few hours of sleep per night. There's enough information out there at this point, that everyone knows this attitude will shave off years from your life. It's time to get out of survival slumber and move into regenerative rest, where you actively schedule sleep. Where you stop making sleep optional and stop your "revenge bedtime procrastination".

And what about our homes? Have they become a basic refuge, and are they unkempt? We're not talking about a perfectly manicured home, ready for a real estate showing. Homes need to be lived in and active. But as we'll discuss in our fourth cornerstone called cocooning, there's an opportunity to create a protective and nurturing home environment. In this manner, you can foster growth and transformation, while also being comfortable.

So, grab your journal now, and take a moment to honestly assess the four cornerstones of your life.

Ask yourself:

  1. Nourishment: Am I truly nourishing my body, or am I merely sustaining it? Take a moment to reflect on the quality of the foods and beverages you consume. Are you prioritizing nutrient-dense options that support your health and vitality, or are you settling for quick fixes and processed choices?

  2. Somatic Wellbeing: Am I actively practicing somatic wellbeing, or am I merely going through the motions with minimal movement in my day? Reflect on the ways in which you move your body and prioritize physical activity. Are you engaging in activities that promote strength, flexibility, and overall well-being, or are you neglecting your body's need for movement and vitality?

  3. Regenerative Rest: Am I truly experiencing regenerative rest, or am I stuck in survival slumber? Take a moment to assess your sleep habits and patterns. Are you prioritizing quality sleep and relaxation, allowing your body and mind to recharge and rejuvenate, or are you sacrificing rest for the sake of productivity and busyness?

  4. Cocooning Environment: Is my home a cocooning environment or a basic refuge? Reflect on the atmosphere and energy of your living space. Does it provide a sense of safety, comfort, and nurturance, fostering growth and transformation, or does it feel cluttered, chaotic, and devoid of sanctuary?

Take the time to journal your reflections honestly and without judgment. Use this opportunity for self-discovery and growth as you explore how you can enhance each cornerstone of your life to move from mere survival to thriving.

Remember, the journey towards self-realization and authenticity begins with introspection and self-awareness.

Thanks for joining us on today's Kyetu Catalyst. Please share our podcast with family, friends, and in your social networks. You just might be someone else’s spark to ignite change!

Kyetu. Who do you think you are?

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Mackenzie Fischer

Words are Mackenzie’s keys to self-realization. In her Kyetu content posts, she champions self-discovery, helping readers embrace their genuine identities with "Present. Patient. Poised."


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