Rise ‘n Rule

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!

Welcome to this episode of the Kyetu Catalyst. Today, we want to share with you what we call the Kyetu Rise 'n Rule Routine. And it's all about teeing up your day for success. And we've tried to make it simple, accessible, and fun. And something that you can do and repeat, so that it doesn't become a burden or a drain.

And the things I'm about to share with you are really will only take 10 minutes. And there's only three things so that it's easy to remember. And the whole thing should take less than 10 minutes, and it will dramatically impact how your day goes. And it's really important to do them in order, because they are listed in order of importance.

So if you only have one minute, do the first step. If you only have three minutes, do steps one and two. And if you have 8 to 10 minutes, then you can do all three steps, okay, and so they're listed in order of importance. And really what it comes down to is never skipped step one. And frankly, when I share with you what it is, it's something that takes less than a minute. And that you should be able to add to your morning routine, and should really dramatically impact how your day goes.

So the first one is called Immediate Gratitude and Visualization. So the idea here is that before your feet, even touch the ground, and your eyes are still closed, you take a minute to think about and visualize three things that you're grateful for.

Then you're still sitting in your bed, you're sitting at the edge of the bed, and maybe your feet are hanging off the edge, you think about and you visualize how you will feel at the end of the day. And this isn't where you go through your task list. And you think about all the things you have to do. This isn't the "what: this is the "how". So essentially, you're setting up a "feeling intention" for the day. So that's, that's number one, immediate gratitude and visualization.

And there's two parts to it. The first is gratitude. So you're filling your cup, and you're thinking about three things that you're grateful for. And then you're thinking about at the end of the day how you want to feel.

So why do we do this? Why is this important? And why is this the one and if you only have the one minute in the morning, when you wake up and before your feet touch the ground before you leave the bed before you even go to the bathroom? Why is this important? Because now you've started your day in gratitude. And your cup is full and overflowing. And your brain is still in that theta wave state when you first wake up and you're not yet in alpha. And this is when you kind of feel that daydreaming sensation, you know when you just wake up. And you can really influence your brain chemistry because you have access to your subconscious mind. And it's a really powerful window of opportunity to influence how you will feel for the rest of the day. And again, this takes less than one minute.

Okay, so number two is Meditation with Movement.

So now you're ready to get out of bed. And if you have to go to the bathroom, this is the time to do it.

And you're going to stretch you're going to stretch or you're going to do short bursts of activity like think jumping jacks, or sit ups or push ups or some sun salutations if you're into yoga. But while you're doing it, you're really going to be focusing on your breath; on deep breathing. This is not a major workout. This isn't where you grab the weights and you lift vigorously. The whole purpose of this is getting connected to your body. And again, as you've just set an intention for the day, for feeling, and your your heart is full of gratitude. And you're coming out of the theta brain space into the alpha space and becoming more awake and more alert. You're connecting deeply into your body.

And most importantly, you still haven't looked at your phone. You haven't turned on the TV; you're not watching the news; you're not looking outside to see what the weather is. We haven't turned on the coffeemaker. You're in the present moment. And you're connecting your mind to your body. You're not going through your to do list. Okay?

And why is this important? Why do we want to do this because introducing a somatic element and connecting your body to your mind first thing will allow you to bring about mindful awareness. Throughout the day when you do this, it's going to help you reduce stress, increase present moment awareness and promote an overall sense of calm and clarity. And this whole thing should take less than three minutes. Like I said, it's not it's not a big workout. It's really just about reconnecting mind, body and soul.

Okay, so if you've done one One that's a minute if you've done two, you've added on about three minutes. So you're four minutes and you can be done. But there's a third element that if you can give it a few more minutes, this is where you listen to the Kyetu Catalyst, which is our podcast and you journal simultaneously.

When you when you transition to focused growth, affirmations and true introspection, this is the this is where you can switch gears. You're connected to your body, you're awake, you're feeling grateful you're feeling accomplished already, because you visualized the end of the day. And now you can put your mind into thinking about what you want, or what we prefer to say what your developmental desires are. And it's also the time to influence your belief system with affirmations. And we guide you through that in our daily episodes on the Kyetu Catalyst.

So sometimes you'll hear others refer to this as a time for micro-learning. And that's wonderful. There's several other personal development coaches and programs that have multiple step programs, we've really tried to make it simple and bite size and condensed it down to these three steps. Because it can be very overwhelming when you try to do too much. And we're trying to remove barriers to personal growth by making the process simple and accessible. So, for example, if you're working mom, and you only have a very short amount of time to dedicate to the process, we want you to feel like you can do it. And you got to be able to do this before you know the kids get up and start clamoring and asking for things or you start need to start getting ready for your day at work and whatnot. And if you can give yourself 10 minutes in the morning with these three steps, you're really gonna set your day up for success.

So why did we create the Kyetu Catalyst podcast? Because it serves three purposes. So number one is this idea of micro learning. And we do that with excerpts from experts and relatable anecdotes. We also encourage you to journal with prompts that we provide during the podcast. And this is where you get to jot down your thoughts and reflections as you listen. And then the third part is goal setting while you review your aspirations.

So why do you want to do this? Because learning, writing, and creating an action plan, will foster clarity, motivation and a sense of purpose. And this in turn is going to help you align your actions with your desired outcomes and you'll achieve greater success.

And this should take this should take about five minutes. It can take up to eight. So if you do all three, you're you're committing to about 10 minutes in the morning. But again, if you only have to do one, do the first one, which is starting your day in gratitude and visualizing how you're going to feel at the end of the day.

So we believe that incorporating the Kyetu Rise 'n Rule Routine into your mornings can be a game changer and it's going to set the tone for a day filled with gratitude, mindfulness and purposeful growth. So whether you just have a minute or a few extra moments to spare, prioritizing these steps can significantly enhance your overall wellbeing and productivity. We hope you enjoyed this episode.

Thank you so much for joining us on today's Kyetu Catalyst and we'd love it if you would share this podcast with family friends and in your social networks. Because you just might be someone else's spark to ignite change!

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