Girl Boss or Snail Girl

Kyetu Catalyst. A spark to ignite change!


Have you heard of this trend? It’s apparently the new era! And, in direct opposition to the Girl Boss movement. I will admit, I have very mixed feelings about it all.

What I admire about the Girl Boss trend, is the empowerment it delivers to women to go out and conquer the world as they so desire. But I also understand that non-stop hustle is not sustainable, and burnout is right behind it. We know too much now about mental health, and overall wellbeing, and that kind of grind is just not good for you.

I think I'm to understand that this Snail Girl movement invites women to slow things down, and make way for self care, and overall wellness. I love this! Not enough people, both men and women, are doing that yet. 

But I do feel that the truth lies somewhere in between. And that's what I'd like to discuss in today's Kyetu Catalyst.

There is a middle ground between being a go-getter and embracing the slow living philosophy. We can be ambitious and successful without sacrificing our mental and physical well-being. High performers have proven that to us. In fact, Brendon Burchard's book "High Performance Habits" provides valuable insights into how high achievers maintain their success while prioritizing their mental and physical health.

Research and psychology shed light on the transformative power of mindfulness. Studies, such as those by Kabat-Zinn and Davidson, indicate that incorporating mindfulness practices can lead to heightened focus, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being. By intentionally infusing our actions with mindfulness, we not only navigate challenges more effectively but also foster a deeper connection with our authentic selves.

Contrary to the Girl Boss culture's celebration of constant busyness as a badge of honor, there's an alternative narrative. What if we redefine success to encompass a well-balanced life, where achievement harmoniously coexists with a profound sense of peace and fulfillment? Research by positive psychologists, including Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, suggests that true well-being arises when we align our pursuits with our strengths and values. By embracing a holistic definition of success, we can create a life that not only reflects our ambitions but also nurtures our overall happiness and satisfaction.

So take a moment now, for this Kyetu Catalyst, to reflect in your journal. And if you don’t have a journal, just grab a piece of paper. Write on this topic for a few minutes. Are you more Girl Boss or Snail Girl? Is there a middle ground for you to pursue, where you can perhaps stop doing activities that don’t serve you, so that you can focus more on your goals? Do you have clarity on your desires and ambitions? In essence, do you know what you want? Because sometimes the burnout happens when you aren’t focused, or being singular with your energy, leaving you feeling ineffective. Can you be highly effective with your day, and crush your goals, while also leaving room for self-care and setting boundaries? Essentially, being a Girl Boss and Snail Girl!

Thanks for joining us on today's Kyetu Catalyst. Please share our podcast with family, friends, and in your social networks. You just might be someone else’s spark to ignite change!

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Mia Peterson

Rooted in self-reflection, Mia’s journey at Kyetu unfolds. Her words guide our subscribers to self-discovery, growing into their true selves and living life authentically.


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